
One of the main objectives of the MILESTONE project is to enhance the scientific status of the MILESTONE beneficiaries (O2).

Although the project does not include a pure scientific component, partners will join forces to establish joint collaborative efforts in Life Sciences as a platform for knowledge exchange & innovation. A series of activities have been designed to improve partners’ scientific competitiveness and reputation for EU and international research funding. Biochemistry, molecular, cell, and structural biology tools are used by all MILESTONE partners to study protein structure, function, aggregation and degradation, DNA and RNA recognition and/or repair, signalling, drug design, and other areas crucial to disease progression and treatment. Their cutting-edge research facilities (NMR at NIC/SI, MU/CZ, & UPAT/GR, Mass Spectrometers at MU/CZ, Molecular Biology & BSL2 BSL3 facilities at AMU/FR, Advanced Light Imaging facilities, and other biophysical study equipment at UPAT/GR & MU/CZ) and expertise can be combined to produce high-impact, scientific results through ambitious projects.

Partners also aim to (a) maximize their RIs’ performance establishing best practices and attract new users from academia and private section to access their RIs, delivering high quality services (b) Improve the human research potential of their entities by organising on-site training activities (schools, hands-on workshops, etc.) in hot research topics, existing and emerging scientific tools etc. (c) improve and extend the researchers’ scientific and transferable skills, and to (d) Increase management/administration capacity in call identification & grant application.

MILESTONE plan to enhance scientific status & human potential of partners